On Wednesday 20th February a 12 strong Provincial Deputation led by WBro Alan Kirwilliam PAGStB APGM and consisting of Grand Lodge and Acting Officers of the year, joined The Hyndburn Lodge of Installed Masters No. 8766 for their Bible Re-Dedication meeting. Worshipful Master WBro Ian Ogden was keen to hand the gavel to WBro Kirwilliam, which he was pleased to accept, and in his opening address he expressed delight at returning to Mill House and how he was looking forward to working a ceremony many will not have seen before, including himself, the Directors of Ceremonies and the Provincial Grand Chaplain.
WBro Kirwilliam requested WBro Andrew Taylor as the ProvGDC and WBro John Curry ProvDepGDC to unveil the Bible which was then perambulated around the lodge by WBro Roy Taylor the Bible Bearer and the procession which included the Bible donor, WBro Clive Carroll, whilst the Brethren sang the Bible Dedication Hymn. The Bible was then placed on the Masters Pedestal. A clearly emotional Clive then explained the history of the Bible and how it’s original donor WBro Parkinson, who became his Father in Law, upon his resignation from the Lodge asked Clive to look after it. Over time the Bible became the victim of extreme wear and tear and Clive took it upon himself to commission a complete renovation. The result is a wonderfully renovated Bible which looked resplendent on the Lodge Bible Fall.
The Bible was then dedicated by WBro Rev’d Richard Hawkins the Provincial Grand Chaplain, following which he gave an enlightening and very interesting presentation on the role of the Bible in our ceremonies. An important aspect of his talk concentrated on the multi faith aspect and how the VSL always represents the faith of the Brother being celebrated. His presentation was very well received by the Brethren.
The ceremony was concluded by the singing of the Bible Dedication Closing Hymn. Following which the Worshipful Master had a pleasant duty to perform in presenting WBro Kirwilliam with a cheque for £250 to the ELMC.
The Festive Board was a joyous occasion where Brethren shared an excellent meal and companionship. In his response WBro Kirwilliam referred to two initiatives, namely the Members Pathway and Solomon. He referenced the importance of the Pathway in helping the recruitment and retention process and how the Pathways Presentation was making it’s way around the Province. He implored the Brethren to gain access to Solomon and have a look at the huge online repository of Masonic knowledge. He continued to ask that Lodges and Chapters use the nuggets in their meetings and to add these to the meeting agenda, going on to say that these nuggets are an excellent way to build the confidence of newer Brethren by them delivering the 5 minute presentations.
The business of the meeting may be one many Brethren will never see again, a moving ceremony followed by an excellent Social Board.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team