Lunch at Bolton Masonic Hall

On Sunday 12th June, and in honour of the Queen’s 90th Birthday, Bolton District Freemasons paraded to the local Parish Church to receive a service after enjoying a wonderful Sunday Lunch at Bolton Masonic Hall.

The event was organised by The Hall Committee and primarily so by Chairman Wbro John Hood. A special note of thanks goes out to John and his team.

Many masons took the opportunity to wear their craft regalia, including the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, granted under special dispensation. Even the weather was kind enough to hold off for an hour!

Fronted by the Bolton Caledonia Pipe Band, the parade set off at 2.30pm to be in time for the church service at 3pm. Leading from the front was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Norman Cope, accompanied by District Chairman, WBro Terry Kakoullis and Deputy District Chairman, WBro Peter Jones. Masons of all ranks turned out in support of this very special event.

After the service, a collection was taken for charity to support the Parish Church.

Supported by friends and family it was a unique afternoon enjoyed by all.

Taking the lead – The Assistant Provincial Grand Master accompanied by District Chairman Terry Kakoullis and Deputy District Chairman Peter Jones

Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge parading to the Church

Master Masons parading to the Church

The wonderful ceiling of the Parish Church

Bolton Caledonia Pipe Band

Further pictures can be found on Facebook on the Bolton District Page: