The meeting of Borough and Ashlar Lodge No.4858, on Wednesday, 4th May, was attended by a number of senior Brethren, from Lodges in the North-East. They came to support Bro Daniel Sam Armitage on the occasion of his Initiation into Freemasonry, WBro George C. Laws PProvJGW being both the Treasurer of the Duke of Connaught Lodge, No. 3892, and the Candidate’s uncle.

The ceremony was superbly carried out by the Worshipful Master, Bro Dennis Higginson and all his officers in a truly exceptional manner, particularly remarkable as this was the first full ceremony with a Candidate, after his Installation in February. The District Chairman, WBro Paul Thornton, ProvJGW, made especial mention of this fact in his comments and like the rest of the Brethren present, was unstinting in his praise. As Bro. Armitage had come to the Lodge by way of Province; WBro Thornton had interviewed him, before directing him to WBro Jeff Ward and Borough and Ashlar Lodge.
Bro Higginson, who is also the Lodge Almoner, made reference to WBro Harold Bradshaw, PProvSGW, who had reached his 90th birthday on St. George’s Day. He also spoke of the tremendous influence which WBro Bradshaw had exercised over the Lodge, introducing his three sons, WBro’s Jeff, Stephen and Alan Bradshaw. WBro Jeff Bradshaw brought in WBro Mark Higginson, who had initiated his father, Bro Dennis Higginson, WM, who in turn had introduced Bro Tony Higginson.
WBro Harold Bradshaw was also responsible for bringing in a number of other Brethren, including the Director of Ceremonies, WBro Jeff Ward, PProvSGW.
Sadly, WBro Harold Bradshaw was unable to be present, due to health reasons and so the Brethren were likewise constrained from showing their approbation in the usual manner.


During “any other business”, WBro Trevor Thomas, PProvDGDC, Royal Arch District Officer, presented a cheque to the Worshipful Master, which consisted of sponsorship monies from the recent, highly successful Royal Arch Dinner. Although this is essentially a non-profit making event, the combined total of the raffle and sponsorship meant that the sum of £500-00 was able to be donated to the Refurbishment Fund for Nelson House. The Worshipful Master, WBro Phil Preston, PProvAGDC, and WBro Les Latcham, PProvAGDC, together with a number of other Brethren, give their time voluntarily to improve the décor and the facilities at Nelson House, so the money will undoubtedly be wisely spent.

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WBro Laws then presented the Worshipful Master with a large quantity of key rings, which bear a picture of Nelson House, with the Borough and Ashlar logo on the obverse.

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The evening certainly belonged to Bro Armitage, other business notwithstanding. His response to the toast to his health was thoughtful and sincere, which added to the fact that he had just been initiated into a happy and vibrant Lodge in an exemplary manner. With the support of his relatives and Brethren, it will surely mean that he will be able to enjoy his Lodge, Borough and Ashlar Lodge No. 4858, for very many years to come.