On Wednesday 20th February Bury Lodge of Relief No.42 celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Bro Neville Foote who was initiated into the lodge in 1969.
Bro Michael Brown the current Worshipful Master of Bury Lodge of Relief No.42, offered the gavel to WBro John Griffin, PSGD, AProvGM, after he and a Provincial Deputation had entered, the Lodge.
WBro John Griffin, PSGD, AProvGM took the ‘chair’ and conducted the celebration for Bro Neville foote. Which included a very poignant quote from the tylers toast “That rank is but a guinea stamp, the man himself is gold” which reiterated the achievements Neville had surpassed outside the craft.
WBro Kenneth Jones PAGDC delivered a fitting tribute to Bro Neville Foote, in a very personal and respectful manor. It was clear to see that the achievements outside of Freemasonry, by Neville during the war years had far exceeded anything anyone in free Masonry could match. Neville sat in the centre of the Lodge room wearing the French medal “Croix de Guerre” which is the French equivalent to “The Victoria Cross”.

The Golden Jubilee Illuminated Certificate was read out by the AProvGM, before being presented, along with a personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier..
WBro Steve Holland, Bury District Deputy Chairman, presented Bro Foote with a special 50th Anniversary lapel badge, on behalf of the District.
The AGDC, ProvGDC WBro Simon Archer then escorted Neville around the lodge, to the acclamation of the brethren.
The Worshipful Master then presented the Assistant Provincial Grand Master with a cheque, on behalf of the members of the lodge, to the ELMC for £500 to mark the occasion.

The deputation retired and the Worshipful Master concluded the lodge business.
The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion the dining room was full with a most fabulous atmosphere, and all present where treated to a fine 5 course meal.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, responded to toasts 2- 5 and then delivered another tribute to Bro Foote reiterating the admiration all the Brethren in the room had for the personal achievements of someone who can be proudly called a hero.

The formal toast to Bro Neville Foote’s health was proposed by WBro Maurice Birch PProvSGW, in a very personal manner and was received with warmth. Maurice concluded his toast with a presentation of some photographs to Neville.

The Worshipful Master presented Bro Foote with a special Chrystal decanter and Glass set on behalf of the lodge, before WBro Bill Bruce presented Neville with a cheque for the Normandy Charity and some Newspaper articles.

Bro Foote responded in a very dignified manner, at the conclusion of which he raised a glass to the fallen, which received a standing ovation by all present.

A fantastic evening was had by all, certainly one which Bury lodge of Relief 42 can be justly proud of for many years to come.