Burnley and Pendle District Officers and several Brethren from the Hall put on a small, but eye-catching display of Masonic Regalia at the Pendle Forest Model Railway Society’s exhibition, held at Burnley Masonic Hall on the Saturday 7thand Sunday 8thJuly.
The well attended event attracted a good number of visitors and provided an opportunity to see what Freemasonry was all about;  a few expressed a serious interest in joining our fantastic organisation.
Resplendent in their Burnley and Pendle District Polo shirts, members from several Lodges didn’t miss the opportunity to bring out their “Inner Child” as they looked around the various exhibitions of working railway layouts.
Pendle Forest Model Railway Society have invited Brethren from the District to attend their next exhibition in November which will be held at a school in Colne, an offer that will certainly be taken up by some of our members.
This was an excellent example of Freemasonry interacting with the local community to the mutual benefit of each organisation involved.
John Wilkinson