Ian Salthouse takes Major O’Neil shopping

On Wednesday 18th December, Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons Ian Salthouse and Peter Jackson visited the Salvation Army Citadel in Burnley where they donated £250-00 worth of food.

Ian also visited the Nelson Citadel with Glynn Lund where the same donation was made.

This is the fourth year that Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons have assisted the Salvation Army with their Christmas food appeal bringing the total donated to over £2000.

Major Lorraine O’Neil of the Nelson Citadel said “Your generosity will help at least 30 needy families in the Burnley area who have been referred to us from Social Services.   Your gifts will enable them to enjoy Christmas as families.

Special thanks to Ian Salthouse and Peter Jackson who kindly took me shopping for the items!!!  It was a privilege to meet them both”.

Ian Salthouse, Major Carole Ainsworth and Glynn Lund
at the Burnley Citadel

John Wilkinson