Friday 13th is normally a day that forebodes a certain amount of trepidation. Well Friday 13th May 2016 was a day I had been looking forward to for months. The Bury District Dinner and what a good do it was.
Held at Radcliffe Masonic Hall the evening went without a hitch. We had an excellent turn out with some lodges having an entire table to themselves. The district was well represented by Ashday Lea, Radcliffe and Bury with guests from other areas and a good representation of non-masons experiencing the unity of our fraternity for the first time.
The evening meal was lovely after which we were entertained by WBro Andrew Sykes, a former APGM. His speech was enlightening, funny and a joy to listen to. The 120 club draw was conducted with the top prize of £500. Also the Bury District Charity Stewards raffle was drawn raising the amazing sum this year of just over £1600, for which much praise must be given to all those who bought a ticket and a massive thank you to Steve Clark and Steve Holland who organised the raffle. Also thanks go to all the Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards who worked so hard to sell the tickets. It was a real team effort from all. Thank you.
The District Chairman, Steve Barton, was delighted with the attendance, the draws and the evening as a whole as were the entire district team. He took the opportunity of his closing speech to present a donation to each of the associations of Ashday Lea, Bury and Radcliffe Halls to assist in the running of the halls. The Chairman also expressed thanks to WBro Paul Sellers who had done his usual excellent work in producing the printed menu for the evening.
I personally was overwhelmed by the support for this event and the money raised for such good causes.
A mention has to go to Gerry Russell, who as ever worked quietly in the back ground to organise the event. Without Gerry this event would not be as half as successful as it was.
Thank you one and all.