Yesterday, Wednesday 10th August 2016 saw the Bury Blind Society send some 67 visually impaired people, some with their carer’s, on their annual holiday to Millstones in Harrogate. The Bury Blind Society have been organising this event for 20 years and this year the cost, £1976.40 was donated by the ELMC after the District Charity Steward, WBro Steve Holland, was successful in his request for funding.
The group left from the Bury Art Museum on two coaches and to see them off were the CEO of the Bury Blind Society, Jill Logan, the Mayor of Bury, Councillor Mike Connolly, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Ken Davies, MBE, and the District Charity Steward, WBro Steve Holland. It was lovely to see so many people excited to be going on holiday, even the dogs were excited to be going.
The trip was again made possible by the hard work and dedication of all the Freemasons in the District and Province who support the tireless work of our greatest asset, the ELMC. Many thanks to Julie and her team for all the hard work they do.