Flying for Festival – 2023 Zipline Event

Flying for Festival – 2023 Zipline Event

It was a pleasant Sunday Morning when a small community of both Masons and Non-Masons decided to come together for an amazing cause. Inspired by their desire to make a difference, they attended a thrilling charity zipline event to raise funds for the East Lancashire...
East Ribble District helps local foodbank

East Ribble District helps local foodbank

East Ribble District applied for a grant from East Lancashire Masonic Charity (ELMC) to help the local foodbank in Blackburn which covers all the East Ribble area.  A grant of £ 644 was approved and this was matched by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) and so a...
Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

On Thursday 23rd February 2023 the members of Lime-stone Rock  Lodge celebrated their Bi-Centenary to the very day of the first meeting two hundred years ago.  The Lodge room was full with many distinguished guests including Right Worshipful Past Senior Grand Warden...