Support for Molly Howarth from Rochdale Freemasons

Support for Molly Howarth from Rochdale Freemasons

Molly Howarth was revising for her GSCE’s during May 2016 when she began to feel unwell suffering from headaches, dizziness and nausea. While she was sitting her exams, her health failed to improve and her parents Richard and Jane arranged a doctor’s appointment where...
Who is Father Christmas?

Who is Father Christmas?

An East Lancs Provincial Officer moonlighting as Father Christmas was  spotted over in Yorkshire recently ! !.  Guess who ?. ( no prizes ! ) just for fun. The glasses may give a clue!
Last Night of The Proms

Last Night of The Proms

Saturday 19th November saw a packed house for the return of the “Last Night Of The Proms” concert, at St. Aidan’s Church, organised by the Rochdale Masonic Social Committee. The audience were treated to a rousing programme of music from the...
Rochdale Freemasons Raise £5,276.87

Rochdale Freemasons Raise £5,276.87

Poppy Appeal 2016 Tina Pringle, the British Legion’s Community Fundraiser for Greater Manchester, has confirmed that Freemasons in the Rochdale District raised an amazing total of £5,276.87 during the Poppy Appeal at Morrisons Supermarket in Kingsway. Tina...
Lodge of Friendship No.277

Lodge of Friendship No.277

The photograph shows WBro Greehalgh with members of the Lodge. Worshipful Master  – WBro David Greenhalgh PProDepGR On Wednesday 9th November, Friendship Lodge No.277 was pleased to receive WBro Peter G Hewitt, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the...