50 Years’ Service to his Lodge

50 Years’ Service to his Lodge

WBro. Alan F Smith and WBro. Alan A D Smith On Thursday, the 3rd of March, the Lodge of Faith No. 581 celebrated their Installation. As with many of the Lodges in these times, recycling of the Past Masters was put into practice and WBro. Peter Bibby was installed as...
50 years a Lewis

50 years a Lewis

On Wednesday 2nd March, the Rochdale District Team supported Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Rhodes in celebrating 50 years in Freemasonry for WBro Rodney Schofield, PProvGSwdB. Rodney was initiated into Charity Lodge 3342 by his Father in 1971 where he...
Freemasons’ festive support for foodbanks

Freemasons’ festive support for foodbanks

For years, Freemasons have been strong supporters of local foodbanks. With the growing need for foodbank services in communities across England and Wales, Freemasons have now stepped up their support with the help of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF). The UK’s...
Simonstone School – The Daisy Hut in memory of Claire Rossi

Simonstone School – The Daisy Hut in memory of Claire Rossi

Colin Weemes, from Abbey Lodge, approached the District Charity Stewards to ask for help in funding a new outdoor building for the pupils of St Peters school in Simonstone, near Burnley, in memory of Mrs Claire Rossi, a much-loved teacher who passed away due to...