Bro Stuart Peter Mackenzie: the Man behind the “On the Level” cocktail.
To commemorate the launch of the new East Lancashire Level Club (ELLC) which was officially announced during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge in Blackburn, Bro Stuart Peter Mackenzie, Tyler of Maccabee Lodge 8947, had an idea to create and serve a...A Visit to Hiram Lodge No.12 in Prague
On Thursday 24th October 2024, a delegation of six Brethren from East Lancashire visited Hiram Lodge No.12 in Prague. Where they witnessed a triple passing of three Brethren. Hiram Lodge No.12, is the only English speaking lodge within Prague and they work Emulation...
The PGM puts out a call to arms for all East Lancashire Light Blues.
Light Blues of East Lancashire. The time has come to stand together in the bonds of brotherhood and pride. At the upcoming meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master himself has requested a delegation of Light Blue (Master...
The Inaugural Annual General Meeting of the East Lancashire Level Club
The Inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the East Lancashire Level Club (ELLC) was held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at Helmsley House. The meeting saw a strong turnout of brethren from across the province, all proudly representing their lodges. All united...