Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

On 13th March 2019 a cheque was present for £250 to Bredakwai Judo Academy. This academy has been in existence for ten years and brings children and adults from all walk of life, in off the streets, to learn a sport which teaches respect and discipline. The academy...
Explaining Freemasonry

Explaining Freemasonry

  Three District officers, WBro Bob Allan, District Chairman, WBro Walter Coupe, Deputy District Chairman and the District Communications Officer, WBro John Wilkinson, took up an invitation to present an illustrated lecture entitled “Explaining Freemasonry” to a...
Thursby Lodge No. 3855 Centenary Meeting

Thursby Lodge No. 3855 Centenary Meeting

Sixty-nine Brethren including the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, Sir David Trippier, RD JP DL, accompanied by the Provincial Senior and Junior Warden, other Officers of the Year, Grand Officers and a host of visiting...
Dyneley Riding for the Disabled get a welcome boost.

Dyneley Riding for the Disabled get a welcome boost.

Raven Rocky and Arnie In Memory of WBro John Cooper Roses Lodge No. 5140, holds its Old England Night in December and has for many years invited Non-Masons to it. All who attend the Old England Nights had enjoyed the company of WBro John Cooper for many years. John...
Ready Teddy Go!

Ready Teddy Go!

The Teddies for Loving Care or the TLC was created after the wife of a Freemason’s life was saved medical staff at an A&E unit.  The Freemason and his wife were both so grateful for the care and attention that she received that it got them thinking about how...