Marshalling the East Lancs. Hospice Christmas Fayre

Marshalling the East Lancs. Hospice Christmas Fayre

On a chilly, but bright and sunny Sunday last week, twelve volunteers from East Ribble District (including one regular visitor from Rochdale district who came along) helped set up, marshal and pack away the East Lancs. Hospice Christmas Fayre. This year the Fayre was...
Presentation to WBro John Farrington

Presentation to WBro John Farrington

Approximately 70 East Ribble District Brethren, dining at a very full dinner after Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday the 15th of November, took the opportunity to present their outgoing Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and new Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro...
Clitheroe Remembers

Clitheroe Remembers

On Sunday November 11th, Brethren from Limestone Rock Lodge No.369 and Keep Lodge No. 6538 assembled on a rainy morning at Clitheroe Town Hall under the direction of Roland Hailwood the Town Crier, before moving in procession through the town centre to St Mary...