Provincial Trailer makes it debut!

Provincial Trailer makes it debut!

The new Provincial recruitment and presentation trailer made its inaugural outing at the 2016 Great Harwood Agricultural show on a wonderfully sunny and warm Spring Bank Holiday. The show was enjoyed by a crowd of thousands, which must have easily exceeded the 10,000...
An unexpected Royal Connection

An unexpected Royal Connection

At the May meeting of The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No. 283 the main item of business was an Initiation ceremony. Not normally a newsworthy item in itself, but on this occasion Bro Stephen Holden had an interesting link to the Grand Master HRH The Duke of...
ELMC Grant Making Committee support local Scout Project

ELMC Grant Making Committee support local Scout Project

Following a District application, the ELMC Grant Making Committee has awarded £2151.00 to St Georges Scout Group, Blackburn. This will be for the purchase of a 16 x 10 ft Field Shelter, 2 x Water Butts, Garden Tool storage and 2 x composting toilets for the new Scout...
Summer Draw

Summer Draw

On Sunday 22nd May, over 60 people gathered at Accrington Masonic Hall for the annual Summer a Draw. This event, previously held at Mill House at the Summer BBQ, once again proved to be a popular occasion. The assembled were treat to one of Barbara’s excellent...
Boxing Clever for Fit2XL

Boxing Clever for Fit2XL

Fit2XL is an amateur boxing club, which is a completely volunteer run community project.  There are 150 members ranging in age from between 5 and 25 years old and located in Lower Darwen. The club has been self funding for the past 9 years, and are constantly working...
Pulling Pints for Blackburn Youth Zone

Pulling Pints for Blackburn Youth Zone

On Sunday afternoon May 1st, a small band of merry men from a number of lodges across the district, assembled at Blackburn Rugby Club to assist running the bar at the annual Blackburn Beer Festival. However this was all for a good cause, as the hardy group of bar...