Hewlett Court in Bloom

Hewlett Court in Bloom

Hewlett Court Sheltered Accommodation facility is described as the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of East Lancashire Freemasonry. Owned and operated by the East Lancashire Masonic Charity [ELMC], Hewlett Court is situated in Holcombe Brook, in the North of Bury. It was opened...
Freemasons at the Festival

Freemasons at the Festival

This year saw the return of the Littleborough Rushbearing Festival – a centuries old tradition dating back to the middle ages – and Rochdale District Freemasons were there to support this fantastic family festival.Rushbearing is an old English ecclesiastical festival...
Masons and Motors

Masons and Motors

After a 3 year break, Rochdale Rotary’s Classic Car Show returned at a new venue on Sunday 17th July and Rochdale District Freemasons were out in force to support this great fundraising event.Held in the stunning Falinge Park, Rochdale, over 150 classic car owners...