Imperial George Chapter

Imperial George Chapter

On Tuesday 30th April EComp Steven Boyle PGStB APGP for Eastern Area visited Imperial George Chapter No 78. One of the reasons that EComp Boyle attended was to present the Chapter with an award for achieving Grand Patron status after donating to the PGLEL 2026...
Archway Presentation

Archway Presentation

On 29 April 2024 at Rochdale Masonic Hall, a meeting expanding on Archway was held. A Provincial team came to Rochdale to present to our Lodge Royal Arch Representatives (LRARs), Royal Arch Area Officers (RAAO’s), Chapter Mentors and Scribe E’s. This was a very...
Langley Lodge 3989 host Talking Heads

Langley Lodge 3989 host Talking Heads

On 2 November 2023,  Langley Lodge 3989 was host to a Royal Arch presentation from the Talking Heads Team. The presentation is a playlet based on brethren preparing for lodge and explains what the Royal Arch is, why we wear a jewel and explains the regalia that we...
Talking Heads Presentation @ Keystone Lodge 363

Talking Heads Presentation @ Keystone Lodge 363

On Thursday this week, Keystone Lodge 363 hosted a presentation featuring the Royal Arch. The Talking Heads team presented a play which describes the ceremony of exhalation, why the Royal Arch is important and the jewel that companions wear in craft lodges. The...