50th Anniversary Celebration

50th Anniversary Celebration

WBro Michael Arthur Bullock PProvJGW On Saturday 1st February 2020, Concord Lodge No. 757 celebrated the 50th Anniversary of WBro Michael  Bullock PProvJGW in fine style. The ceremony had over 30 Brethren present and was presided over by WBro Rev Canon Richard W....
Southern Area Representative at Ecclesholme

Southern Area Representative at Ecclesholme

The outgoing APGM, WBro  John Pearson, before his retirement, appointed WBro  Paul Waring to be the Southern area representative on the Ecclesholme Committee.  WBro Waring replaces WBro Roy Tindall who has stepped down. ...
Closure of the Lodge of Fidelity No 430

Closure of the Lodge of Fidelity No 430

Bruce Robbins, WM of Lodge of Fidelity, hands the Lodge’s Warrant to the APGM for Southern Area, Richard Hawkins We gathered together on 18th December, some 30 of us, to say a final goodbye to an old friend. The Lodge of Fidelity, being numbered 430 in the...
Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire

Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire

Members of Alexandra Lodge No 993, meeting at Stanley House, Audenshaw are celebrating the news that one of their initiates, a past master and current member of the lodge, VWBro. Michael Timothy Holland, PGSwdB, is to be installed as Provincial Grand Master of...
Ecclesholme Summer Fair

Ecclesholme Summer Fair

Sunday the 9th June saw the annual Friends of Ecclesholme Summer Fair held at Elm Bank Masonic Hall, Half Edge Lane, Eccles. The event was supported by East and West Lancashire and Cheshire masons. This year the Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Blank, the Provincial...