John’s Ambulance

John’s Ambulance

John Gilmour is a member of King Edward the Seventh Lodge, No 3329. John was a nurse and retired in September 2019 to concentrate on his training business “New Start Education”.  In the course of his business, he teaches first aid and related topics in the Tameside...
Chaplain’s Musings May 2020

Chaplain’s Musings May 2020

Dear Brethren, 2020 should have been a year like any other year, full of anniversaries. 80 years since Dunkirk75 years since the liberation of the Concentration camps starting with Auschwitz in January working through 75 years since VE Day75 years since Hiroshima and...
“Freemasonry at its best”

“Freemasonry at its best”

Tonight was scheduled to be the Egerton Lodge “Old English Night”Obviously due to the current covid lockdown this had been cancelled, but undeterred by the current crisis the current WM, Bro Douglas Warrington, has taken it upon himself to go round to the homes of all...