Supper & Music Night | Grants Lodge

Ladies Evening | Pilkington Lodge
On Saturday 22nd February, Pilkington Lodge held its annual Ladies Evening, bringing brethren, family, and friends together for a night of celebration at the Last Drop Village in Bolton. This year’s event, organised by the Worshipful Master, Satnam, and his wife,...
Closing | Kitchener Chapter
On Tuesday 4th February, companions gathered for a poignant evening as Kitchener Chapter No.3788 held its final meeting before closing. The Representative of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Doug Roberts, was in attendance to oversee proceedings. In a...
Installation | Prince Edwin Chapter
On Monday 17th February, companions of Prince Edwin Chapter No.128 gathered for the installation of EComp Stephen Chadwick as First Principal. The evening was made even more special by the presence of the Provincial Third Grand Principal, EComp David Hudson, who...