On Friday the 26th of April 2019, Keep Lodge No.6538, along with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Alan Kirwilliam PSGD, Honorary Member VWBro John Farrington PGSwdB, a District Deputation and many visiting Brethren celebrated WBro Peter Walker and his contribution to Masonic life in the area over the last 50 years.
After having been received into the Lodge, guided by the ProvDepGDC WBro Philip Collier, both the Deputy & Assistant Provincial Grand Masters were duly honoured, before WBro Kirwilliam gladly received the Gavel from the Worshipful Master WBro John Wilson. After introducing his accompanying delegation, WBro Kirwilliam requested WBro Walker be placed in the centre of the Lodge to begin his celebration. The very fitting tribute, delivered by the Lodge Secretary WBro Les Timmins on behalf of the Lodge, himself and WBro Albert Young can be viewed here.
Following the tribute, WBro Kirwilliam spoke about life in 1969, referencing pop culture, finance and the news of the day, before bringing it all back to WBro Walker and his immense contributions to Keep Lodge Lodge, Clitheroe Freemasonry, District and Province.
After presenting a personal letter of congratulations from the RW Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master presented WBro Walker with his illuminated certificate, before requesting that the ProvDepGDC perambulate Peter around the Lodge room, which was duly carried out to the acclaim of all the Brethren present.
Having been seated, a small token of appreciation on behalf of the District was presented by Chairman WBro Dave McGurty, which was a 50th lapel pin. WBro McGurty explained that the lapel pin was in this instance a second hand one, but hoped WBro Walker wouldn’t mind as it had belonged to the late WBro Harry Hesmondhalgh PSGD our Past APGM. Peter was most grateful to receive it, and will be proud to wear it knowing this.
Following the meeting, a superb four course Dinner was enjoyed by all over at the Swan and Royal where the celebrations continued. Gifts and cards were given to Peter, including a very special inscribed carriage clock, gifted by WBro Les & Mrs Beryl Timmins.
A very sincere and personal toast to our Celebrant was given by WBro Keith Hall, which perfectly encapsulated what all present and no doubt beyond, thought about Peter, and his impact on their Masonic careers and in many cases, personal lives too.
Responding in his usual modest and self depreciating manner, WBro Walker thanked everyone for their support and kindness, adding that the whole evening had meant a great deal to him.
This was an appropriate and very enjoyable celebration for a greatly respected Freemason and one of life’s true gentleman.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team