The Brethren and guests of Column Lodge No 5813 celebrated a special event at Manchester Hall on Wednesday the 28th of February.

It was the Tertia Pars Centenary (a third of a Century) since the Lodge was rededicated in November 1990.

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Robert I. Frankl was the guest of honour and also in attendance was WBro Nolan Morrison PGSwdBr, PDepProvGM who was the Provincial Director of Ceremonies in attendance at the Re-Dedication Ceremony in 1990 which was presided over by the then Provincial Grand Master RWBro James Helmsley.

During the ceremony one of the Re-dedication brethren, WBro Steven Forster PAGDC delivered a brief history of the Lodge and the reasons behind its re-dedication during a period when there were approximately 400 lodges in our Province with 10 APGMs and everything possible was done to avoid failing lodges handing in their Warrants.

The ceremony also included a ballot for its newest joining member WBro Paul O’Carroll APGM, PAGDC – who was unanimously acclaimed!

At the Social Board, the PGM, after responding to the usual toasts proposed the toast to the Lodge and spoke about his personal recollections of Column Lodge during the time since its Re-Dedication and made special reference to his association with many of its members, particularly WBro. Leslie Kaye PProvSGW who had the honour to propose toast No.4 and had known the RWPGM long before he became an Entered Apprentice.

The response to the toast to the Lodge was given by RWBro Stephen Blank PProvGM (Cheshire), one of the original re-dedication brethren.

Also, present were other re-dedication brethren including WBro Martin Caller PSGD, PAProvGM; WBro His Hon Clement Goldstone PJGD; WBro Jo Glass PAGReg; WBro His Hon Charles Bloom PProvGReg; WBro Ian Smith PProvGSwdBr and WBro Anthony Leon PProvGSwdBr.