WBro Graham Jones (Acting SW), WBro Chris Welton, WBro Christopher Hartley (WM) & WBro Jeffrey Noon (JW)
Commonweal Lodge No. 5332
Welcome WBro Christopher Welton, PSGD, APGM
On Thursday 23 February WBro Christopher Welton, PSGD, APGM with responsibilities for Manchester Freemasonry visited Commonweal Lodge No. 5332.
WBro Welton was accompanied by a District Deputation of,
WBro David Hudson ProvSGW (City Derby Chairman), WBro Paul O’Carroll PProvDepGDC (Deputy Chairman), WBro Mel Rosenthal PProvGSuptWks (District Secretary) and WBro Ed Beaman PProvJGD (District Mentor) were welcomed into the Lodge by the Worshipful Master WBro Christopher Hartley PProvJGD.
Later the Brethren enjoyed a very happy Social Board.

Social Board