We have had queries regarding the basis of charging, arising from the Annual Returns of both United Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges. The basis is as detailed below.

Payment of Members’ Subscriptions to their Lodges

These become due, in advance, on the first day of the Lodge’s Financial Year, as laid down in the Lodge By-Laws.

Payment of Annual Dues to United Grand Lodge

These become due, in arrears, on the last day of the Lodge’s Financial Year, as laid down in the Lodge’s By-Laws. Payment should be received in the Provincial Office on or before the last day of the month following the end of the Lodge’s Financial Year.

Payment of Annual Dues to Provincial Grand Lodge

These become due, in arrears, on the last day of the month, prior to the month of Installation, and cover the period from the first day of the month of Installation of the previous year. Payment should be received in the Provincial Office within four weeks of the day of Installation.

United Grand Lodge Registration Fee

This payment must accompany the Registration Form P and should be sent immediately after the Ceremony of Initiation. Membership Fees for Initiated Brethren will be included in the Annual Return [see 2 above].

Provincial Grand Lodge Initiation Fees

These will be charged, in addition to the Brethren’s Membership Fees, and included with the next Provincial Annual Return.

Scope of Membership Dues

Fees must be paid for all Brethren who have been members of the Lodge at any time during the Financial Year,

including those who have died, resigned, ceased, been excluded, or been made Honorary Members.

Fees & Dues United Grand Lodge

United Grand Lodge - from 1st January
Title Year Fee VAT Total
Registration of an Initiate or a Joiner from a foreign Constitution (including Grand Lodge Certificate) 2025 £105 £21.00 £126.00
Registration of an Initiate or a Joiner from a foreign Constitution (including Grand Lodge Certificate) 2024 £76.00 £15.20 £91.20
Annual Dues 2025 £51.00 £0.00 £51.00
Annual Dues 2024 £48.50 £0.00 £48.50
The Masonic Charitable Foundation 2025 £17.00 £0.00 £17.00
The Masonic Charitable Foundation 2024 £17.00 £0.00 £17.00
Replacement Grand Lodge Certificate 2025 £82.50 £16.50 £99.00
Replacement Grand Lodge Certificate 2024 £80.00 £16.00 £96.00
NB: The above fees and dues will be reduced by 50% in respect of any Brother who is below the age of 25, on the first day of, or at any time during, the relevant year. See B of C Rules 270, 270B (a) and 270B (b). This reduction does not apply to any subsequent Lodge[s] that the Brother might join. (This does not apply to Provincial Dues)
Dispensation by the Grand Master 2025 £47.50 £9.50 £57.00
Dispensation by the Grand Master 2024 £46.00 £9.20 £55.20
Dispensation by the Grand Master ‘nunc pro tunc’ 2025 £95.00 £19.00 £114.00
United Grand Lodge – from 1st April
Title Year Fee VAT Total
Certificate of Amalgamation 2024/2025 £120.00 £24.00 £144.00
Enfacement of Warrant 2024/2025 £165.00 £33.00 £198.00
Warrant for a new Lodge 2024/2025 £530.00 £106.00 £636.00
Warrant for a new Lodge (Full Engrossing)* 2024/2025 1275.00 £255.00 £1530.00
Warrant of Confirmation 2024/2025 £1340.00 £268.00 £1608.00
Warrant for a Centenary Jewel 2024/2025 £780.00 £156.00 £936.00
Warrant for a Centenary Jewel (Full Engrossing)* 2024/2025 £1100.00 £220.00 £1320.00
Warrant of confirmation for a Centenary Jewel 2024/2025 £1120.00 £224.00 £1344.00
Warrant for a Bi-Centenary Bar 2024/2025 £1200.00 £240.00 £1440.00
Warrant of confirmation for a Bi-Centenary Bar 2024/2025 £1200.00 £240.00 £1440.00
*Required when details to be included are complex        

Fees & Dues Provincial Grand Lodge

Provincial Grand Lodge
Title Year Fee VAT Total
Annual Fees 2025 £20.00 £4.00 £24.00
Annual Fees 2024 £20.00 £4.00 £24.00
Registration of Initiate 2025 £10.00 £2.00 £12.00
Registration of Initiate 2024 £10.00 £2.00 £12.00
Contribution to Provincial Meeting 2025 £20.00 £4.00 £24.00
Contribution to Provincial Meeting 2024 £20.00 £4.00 £24.00
Dispensations 2025 £15.00 £3.00 £18.00
Dispensations 2024 £15.00 £3.00 £18.00
“nunc pro tunc” Dispensations 2025 £30.00 £6.00 £36.00
First Appointment 2025 £30.00 £6.00 £36.00
First & Second Promotions 2025 £25.00 £5.00 £30.00
Subsequent Promotions 2025 £00.00 £00.00 £00.00

(NB The provisions of B of C Rule 270 do not apply to Provincial Dues; these are NOT reduced for those under 25’s. The reduction in Rule 270B (b) only applies to UGLE dues and Grand Charity Contributions)