Please select the Area

    Lodge Information

    Background Information

    Other Events held during the year

    Open Day?

    Ladies Evening?

    White Table?

    Socials Evenings?

    Events for New Members?


    Installation Meeting - Confidential Appraisal

    You may wish to include comments on Brethren deserving special mention; those who delivered addresses; those Brethren appointed to office [Regular and Additional].

    Please include comments on Brethren who appear to possess special qualities as well as the
    a) overall impression of the Lodge
    b) the general atmosphere in the Lodge
    c) any problems known or brought to your attention
    d) special support or assistance that might be required by the District, Area or Province
    e) your perception of the health of the Lodge

    The Lodge Warrant was inspected and to the best of my knowledge and belief found to be in order

    Warrant Ok?

    If "No" please state your concerns

    Donations to Charity

    UGLE and the MCF now collate figures on how much money Provinces are dispersing to Masonic and non-Masonic charities. Neither they or the Province are keeping a record of which Lodges/Chapters are giving and to whom. But more importantly, these headline figures are used to illustrate to the public the good Freemasonry is doing and the value and worth we are adding to our communities. With that sentiment in mind, please ask the Secretary and/or Treasurer:
    How much money has been donated to good causes in the previous 12 months (include whatever has been approved/presented at the Installation you have attended)?
    What is the split in that figure between Masonic (i.e., ELMC) and non-Masonic giving?