Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

On Thursday 23rd February 2023 the members of Lime-stone Rock  Lodge celebrated their Bi-Centenary to the very day of the first meeting two hundred years ago.  The Lodge room was full with many distinguished guests including Right Worshipful Past Senior Grand Warden...

Solidarity Lodge 7885

Solidarity Lodge 7885

Tonight a delegation from the District Team was warmly welcomed to Solidarity Lodge 7885. Tonight was a very special night for the lodge for many reasons and where would you start? - The lodge celebrates 60 years in freemasonry. - The lodge was honoured with Grand...

WBro Roy Hunter 50th Anniversary

WBro Roy Hunter 50th Anniversary

WBro Alan Kirwilliam Presents WBro Hunter with his certificate Almost 40 Brethren signed the Tylers attendance register of Borough and Ashlar Lodge, No. 4858, on Wednesday the 1st of March 2023, to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Roy Hunter, Past...

Langley Lodge 3989 – 2nd Degree Ceremony

Langley Lodge 3989 – 2nd Degree Ceremony

On Thursday 2nd March, Langley Lodge 3989 held a passing ceremony. The officers of the lodge assisted Bro David Corrin Daniel Ahern take his 2nd step in freemasonry to be passed to a fellowcraft freemason. The ceremony was an excellent example of our ritual. After the...

Celebrating 50 years in Freemasonry- WBro Peter Seddon

Celebrating 50 years in Freemasonry- WBro Peter Seddon

On Wednesday 15th  February 2023  Bury Lodge of Relief No.42 celebrated the 50th Golden Jubilee for a very special member of the lodge. WBro Peter Seddon, PProvJGW,  is one of the iconic members of Bury Lodge of Relief and the evening was certainly a night to...

Manchester Mason Receives a Special Visitor.

Manchester Mason Receives a Special Visitor.

On Wednesday, the 24th of February 2023, the members of Townley Parker Lodge No.1083 were treated to a special visit by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, WBro. Robert Ian Frankl, who was accompanied by a provincial deputation. The Provincial Grand Master...

Oh what a Lancashire Night!

Oh what a Lancashire Night!

Freemasons from Harmony Lodge 298 in Rochdale recently held a fantastic social event, raising much needed funds for Springhill Hospice. Their Lancashire Night was attended by nearly 150 Freemasons, friends and family and raised an incredible £1850 to support the...

A “Spectacular” Evening

A “Spectacular” Evening

Tuesday 15th February saw over 50 masons join together to celebrate WBro Stephen Holt’s fifty years in Freemasonry at Rochdale Masonic Hall. During his professional career, Stephen was admitted into the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers and was made a Freeman of...

Imperial George 78 – Installation

Imperial George 78 – Installation

On the 28th January 2023, Imperial George Lodge 78 held the installation of their master elect at Middleton Masonic Hall. WBro Derek Kelshaw PProvAGDC was installed in the chair King Solomon for the ensuing year. The district team wish you much success for your year...