As the Eastern Area Communications Officer I have the pleasurable task to write up an article of the installation of Master Elect, of Crompton Lodge 8879 which took place on 23 October 2024. What makes this different to your usual article, is that it was my own installation!

The lodge was opened in due form by Wbro Taylor, in the presence of the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Wbro Aspinall PAGDC. The lodge was opened in the second degree and Bro Reilly took his obligation on the VSL. The lodge was then opened in the third degree followed by a board of past masters.

Wbro Taylor directed the lodge in an exemplary ceremony and Bro Reilly was installed into the chair of King Solomon.

Following the ceremony, Wbro Ross ProvGStwd presented Bro Reilly with a 3p Maundy coin from the year of the lodge consecration, 1979.

Pictured with Crompton Lodge 8879 members

Pictured with rep. Wrbo Aspinall

Lastly a very special picture (L-R) WBro Henthorn (proposer and father-in-law), WM Bro Reilly, Bro Henthorn (brother-in-law).

Following the ceremony, the brethren retired to a friendly and enjoyable social board.

I would like selfishly take the opportunity to thank Wbro Aspinall for officiating the evening, the installing officers for a fantastic ceremony, the members of the lodge for putting their faith in me and lastly, but not least, all those in attendance who I am honoured to call brothers.