On 27 September 2018, Commonweal Lodge No 5332 held a joint 50thCelebration for WBro Brian Ward Taylor and WBro John Harrison Bacon at Manchester Hall.
The lodge, having been opened by the Worshipful Master, was interrupted by a report and having been admitted, WBro John Curry, Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, entered the lodge and announced that WBro Chris Welton, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Manchester Districts, accompanied by a District Delegation; was outside the lodge and that he sought admission.
Once WBro Welton and his delegation from the City Derby District had entered the lodge and taken their seats, the Worshipful Master offered the gavel to WBro Welton and on this occasion he was delighted to accept it.
Having taken the Master’s Chair, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master proceeded to introduce his District Delegation, which included: WBro David Hudson, City Derby Chairman; WBro Paul O’Carroll, City Derby Deputy Chairman; WBro Mel Rosenthal, City Derby Secretary; WBro Andrew Greenhalgh, Royal Arch District Officer; WBro Richard Zoltie and WBro Chris Armstrong, Manchester Area Communications Officers.
The evening’s celebrants were placed in the centre of the lodge by the Lodge’s Director of Ceremonies and the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and WBro Welton began by first recalling the significant events that occurred in the years of their birth, and then those that occurred in the year they were admitted to Freemasonry, 1958.
WBro Phillip Long then delivered a very moving tribute to both WBro Taylor and WBro Bacon. He recalled WBro Taylor’s career in Chartered Accountancy and his love of sailing; and WBro Bacon’s career in the motoring industry and competitive streak at Golf; along with many other amusing anecdotes.

WBro Chris Welton presented the celebrants with their 50 Year Certificates and a personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Tripper, before being perambulated around the lodge room to the rapturous applause of the brethren assembled. Once seated again, WBro David Hudson, City Derby District Chairman, presented them both with a 50 Year Lapel Pin and congratulated on them on this momentous achievement.

After the lodge had closed, the members of Commonweal Lodge hosted a warm and very enjoyable social board, at which WBro Bacon replied to the toast to the celebrants.
Prepared by Chris Armstrong