Getting ready to marshall the 10k run

Freemasons from a variety of lodges throughout the East Ribble District marshalled the East Lancashire Hospice annual 10K run.

The run is organised by the Hospice fund raising team and Gaskells Motor Bodies. This year over 500 runners from a range of running clubs in the local area participated in the main 10K race with nearly 90 children running in the children’s race.

The winner of the race was Danny Collinge who is a local runner who finished the 10K race in 34 minutes and 20 seconds. The first woman to finish was Helen Sahgal who finished in 38 minutes and 56 seconds.

Denise Gee from the Hospice thanked the East Ribble District volunteers for the marshalling and helping to put away, saying “Thank you very much to the Freemasons, we couldn’t have done it without you”.