East Lancashire Hospice Christmas Fayre
On a cold November 20th, 14 East Ribble District Freemasons from 7 lodges including a newly Initiated Brother, donned their thermals and entered into the Christmas spirit by volunteering at the annual East Lancashire Hospice Christmas Fayre.
The day started early for the Brethren as they assembled at 9.00am to assist the hospice and various stall holders by getting their hands dirty with practical help setting up.  From late morning the volunteers marshalled the car parks for the Hospice visitors and the visitors attending the Christmas Fayre.  The day ended after 4.00pm with the Brethren helping everyone pack away.  Throughout the day the volunteers were kept refuelled by the Hospice with essential coffee, sandwiches and mince pies. These were very much appreciated and helped to take their minds off the cold!
A very grateful Hospice Event Fundraiser, Denise Gee, thanked all of the volunteers for their continued help and support in the various fundraising activities organised by the Hospice over the year.