The Derby Cup 2017 
The Derby Cup is the premier competition run by the East Lancashire Masonic Golf Society. Although all masons can play, it can only be won by an East Lancashire Mason.
This year’s competition was played at Bramall Park Golf Club on 11 July and 42 golfers teed off on a beautiful sunny afternoon. After the golf and dinner the Captain of Bramall Park Golf Club, Roger Souter, welcomed all present and said he was pleased to have received so many positive comments from those who had played.
WBro Malcolm Worsley Past APGM, the Chairman of the Society, then stood to welcome all present and thanked Gerry and Richard for their hard work in organising and running the event.
Malcolm then introduced VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill, Dep PGM, who expressed his pleasure at being invited to the Dinner and to present the prizes along with the Captain of the club.
The Secretary of the Society, WBro Gerry Hodson PAGDC then read out the results.
The winner of the Derby Cup 2017 was WBro Jim Booth a member of Albert Lodge No 854.
The cup will be formally presented by RWBro Sir David Trippier, the President of the Society, to WBro Booth and the Lodge’s WM at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on the 16th November2017.

Derek Nelson Thornhill, Jim Booth and Roger Souter

Second prize was won by WBro Chris Paul and third prize went to WBro Howard Berry.

Derek Nelson Thornhill, Chris Paul and Roger Souter


Derek Nelson Thornhill, Howard Berry and Roger Souter