Derby Cup 2023 Held at Bramall Park Golf Club – Stockport on 12th July 2023

It was a fine day for golf when our annual event took place this year at Bramall Park Golf Club. With an attendance of only 22 players we obviously went for the quality not quantity.


After the golf we all sat down for dinner where we were joined by our President Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Robert I Frankl who later addressed us all.


After dinner the Chairman Gerry Hodson addressed the ensemble by starting with a very warm welcome to 7 new members of the Society and to others for their attendance.


The Secretary Michael Bartle then announced the winners 3rd place to a new member Ian Hynes with 34 points 2nd place went to Anthony Sharpe with 39 points and the winner of the Derby Cup was once again Harold Cooper with 43 points.

The nearest the pin winners were Mark Davis and Gary Clarke (another new member)

The President then presented the Cup to the winner before addressing the ensemble, congratulating the winners and thanking the organisers who keep this society alive.

Gerry Hodson, Michael Bartle and Richard Zoltie


If you play golf why not look out for our next event and come along and join the fun of Like-minded Freemasons. You would be guaranteed a very warm welcome.

NEXT EVENTS: Invitation Day Tuesday 12th September 2023 (venue to be announced)

AGM Friday 6th October 2023 at Hart Common Golf Club Westhoughton.