Members of ‘The East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team’ attended Arcturus Lodge No. 7252 at Hemsley House, Salford on Monday 10th October 2011.
The invite from the Lodge was extended to WBro Terry Bailey a Lodge member and member of the Presentation Team. The team presented on this occasion ‘Crafty Companions’
The Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Andrew Pennington not only welcomed the team but, WBro James Sutcliffe PSGD, APGM, EComp David Thornton PGStB, APGP and EComp Ken Olive PGStB .
EComp David Thornton Vice President of the presentation team, as are all the APGP’s introduced each member. The attendance was increased when, Portland Chapter No. 6575 who were meeting in the building themselves, called off from their meeting to watch the presentation.
The team wish to thank the Chapter for their kind donation which will be donated to chosen charities nominated by the presentation team. The attached photograph shows members of the team with the Worshipful Master and his Wardens, WBro James Sutcliffe, EComp David Thornton and EComp Ken Olive.

ELRADT Members with the Master and Wardens, WBro Sutcliffe, WBro Thornton and WBro Olive

WBro Ken Olive, WBro David Thornton and WBro Jim Sutcliffe

EComp Graham Rawlinson, EComp Leslie Taylor and EComp Alan Baxendale

EComp Andrew Sinclair

ECompanions Denny Stevens and Mike Williams