On the 14th September, Limestone Rock Lodge No. 369 hosted the fourth white Table event at Clitheroe Masonic Rooms. The event, which was also well supported by Keep Lodge No. 6538, saw 11 non Masons attend a full evening of Freemasonry. The evening began with a general introduction and the chance for some initial questions. The guests were shown the Tyler’s Room, and what a Freemason does to ready himself for the meeting. The Lodge room was then opened and the visitors were welcomed by the 60 Brethren in attendance. WBro David Lightbown PAGDC formally welcomed the entourage and explained the management of Freemasonry and how the Province of East Lancashire and in particular the East Ribble District sits within the organisation. WBro Lightbown then handed over to WBro Steve Crowther PProvSGD who delivered his presentation which explains Freemasonry by linking the ancient to the 21st Century. Following the presentation the visiting party exited the Lodge, where a further question and answer session took place, after which everyone enjoyed a typical Clitheroe fayre of sandwiches and pies and with a full masonic toast list.
The fifth white Table event will take place at a Blackburn Masonic hall on November 2nd where East Lancashire Freemasons are encouraged to attend and to bring along friends who may be interested in having a taste of the Order.