Friday the 27th January saw WBro George Varga install WBro Josef Markisz as Worshipful Master of Elizabethan Lodge No. 7286. A great ceremony in the company of the WBro Chad Northcott, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, the District Chairman, WBro Peter Hegarty, PProvGSwdB, and the Deputy District Chairman, John Hesketh, PProvDepGDC, accompanied by other members of the Lodge

The Social Board at Elizabethan has a great reputation in the Salford District and the installation lived up to that reputation with much laughter from all attendees. WBro Markisz is Polish by birth and Elizabethan Lodge has a number of members from Poland, Freemasonry being open to men of all nationalities and religions with a belief in a Supreme Being.