On 11th July, a cheque for £1,560 was presented on behalf of City Derby Freemasons to the Cheetham Scout and Guide Group.
This donation will enable the organisation to refurbish the roof of its “clubhouse” which is sorely in need of repair and which is home to the very many children and teenagers who are members of the 401st Scout and 5th Cheetham Guide Group. The Group has more than 100 members across its various sections.
The presentation was followed by a barbecue for the members which was very much enjoyed by young and old alike.
L-R Chris Prax, Chairman City Derby District, Russell Conn, ex Officio Group Chairman, Tony Stephenson Charity Steward City Derby District, Gary Nesbit Group Treasurer, Michelle Calmonson Group Chair, Avril Frankl Group Scout Leader, Steve Thomson Charity Steward City Sykes District.
Article: Richard Zoltie