Following a District application, the ELMC Grant Making Committee has awarded £2151.00 to St Georges Scout Group, Blackburn. This will be for the purchase of a 16 x 10 ft Field Shelter, 2 x Water Butts, Garden Tool storage and 2 x composting toilets for the new Scout Field in Mill Hill, recently given to the Scout Group by the local council for their use.

The fenced site, around 3 to 4 acres in size and running alongside allotments and the Leeds Liverpool canal, requires a major overhaul which ahas already begun in earnest. The Scout Leaders, Scouts/guides, parents etc have been clearing pathways, planting willow, creating fire pits and clearing the land. The site will have many facilities including an archery range, Tomahawk throwing area and flower and vegetable beds.

District Charity Steward Mike Stubbs PProvGStwd presented the cheque to the Scouts and Leaders at St Georges Church Hall MIll Hill, Blackburn on a rainy Friday night. He was then shown the improvements and progress already made on the new Scout field by Scout Leader Peter Sculpher.
