On Thursday 16th January 2020, the Provincial Learning and Development Demonstration Team were in attendance at no. 350 Charity lodge, Farnworth Masonic Hall, supported by the District team which included the District Chairman WBro Terry Kakoulis and the District Mentor WBro Craig Charnock.This was a well attended meeting that saw the members and visitors provided with an explanation of the ritual of the third degree. This was a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting demonstration, which was very well received.  The evening also saw 7 joining  members to the lodge which we hope will see the lodge go from strength to strength.  WBro Charnock said “As the district mentor I would like to say that these evenings are a fantastic way to further your learnings and interests into freemasonry as well as a great way to experience visiting. The 1st and 2nd degree explanations are already on Solomon and again I would encourage all Brethren to use the website as it really is a fantastic tool for our own personal development and interests in freemasonry.”     

Report by Craig Charnock