18th January 2017
Freemasons donate £600,000 to support hospices’ ‘incredible contribution’ to community
Nine hospices in the East Lancashire Region have received donations from The Freemasons’ Grand Charity, exceeding £ 25.000.
245 adult and children’s hospices across England and Wales have received a total of over £600,000. Since 1984, nearly £12 million has been donated to hospices by The Freemasons’ Grand Charity. Freemasons and their families raise all donations, to assist hospices in their vital role in helping those affected by terminal or life limiting illness.
Speaking about the donation, Steven Graham, the Oldham District Charity Steward who was accompanying the Oldham District Chairman Leslie Taylor, who made the presentation, said: “We believe it is essential to support the exceptional care provided by our local hospices, and financial help is fundamental to ensuring these services can continue. The hospices’ incredible contribution to the community is valued highly here in East Lancashire and that is why we are so happy to donate this amount in 2017”.
Adding that they were personally very happy to present the amount of £2,718.00 to Dr Kershaw’s Hospice today to help them continue their good work in our local community.