On Monday, 9th January, at Colne Lodge, 4402. the Burnley and Pendle District Chairman, WBro Bob Allen, presented an East Lancashire 2016 Festival Grand Patrons Medal to

Bro Ashley St John-Claire, who had completed a single person cycle ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats’s.

WBro Bob Allan presents a Grand Patrons Jewel to Bro Ashley St John-Claire

He did this to raise funds for two charities, the East Lancashire Festival and the Veteran’s Foundation raising a grand total of £2,760…which I’m sure you will all agree was a superb feat to accomplish!

WBro. Robert Charles Beveridge, WM, Bro St john Claire and WBro Bob Allan

During the meeting, Bro Ashley gave a short talk about his cycle ride and described meeting family, friends and well-wishers whose encouragement kept him going on his epic ride of 1088 miles over 15 days and an accumulated climb of 54000ft.

He finished his talk by saying he was looking at another fund raiser for 2023. All the Brethren present felt they had been on the journey with him and showed their appreciation in the usual manner.