On Saturday 17th June members of the Eastern area freemasons, family and friends was treated to a wonderful evening and entertainment, by the Greater Manchester Police  band at Rochdale masonic hall. WBro John Taylor opened the evening speaking about the Masonic Charitable foundation, and thanking all the members of the eastern area in attendance , and their family and friends for supporting the event, and also how good it was to see some of the residents from Hewlett Court who also gave there support, which would surly be a excellent evening of entertainment, and more importantly to help raise funds for the EL2026 festival.

The Greater Manchester police started the evening entertainment with music played from around the 18th century and then the conductor gave a brief history of the band, and explained that most of the music on the evening some people might have heard them from Disney films.

During the first part of the evening WBro Russell Perks and WBro John Taylor sold a huge amount of raffle tickets in aid of the EL2026 festival, and at the interval and break everyone enjoyed a lovely Beef lasagna, salad and chips also during the Break Wbro Taylor and Perks conducted the Raffle and the lucky winners enjoyed the prizes of wine and chocolates.

The second part of the evening was back in full swing and the Greater Manchester Police band certainly had everyone in the room tapping the table and tapping their toe`s and enjoying the excellent evening which was had by all of the 60 people in attendance at the end of the bands performance the Greater Manchester Police band received a huge applause from all.


Wbro Steven Graham closed the event, his first thank you was to the outgoing Chairmen of the social committee who he thanked for all his hard work over the years, he also thanked all the staff of Rochdale Masonic hall for the lovely food and commitment on the evening. Wbro Graham then Asked Wbro Russell Perks to announce the amount Raised on the evening. To which he thanked the Greater Manchester Police band who had done the event for free. The event raised a total of £1000.00 with a small donation from the social committee for the EL 2026.


Wbro Steven Graham then gave the biggest thank you all to all the members of the Greater Manchester Police band and to everyone who had attended and made it such a wonderful evening.