On 3 October 2024 at Rochdale Masonic Hall over 50 brethren met for a very special questions and answers session with our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Robert Ian Frankl.

In its 210th year, Hope Lodge 54, is one of our oldest lodges and had the honour of hosting this special meeting. Worshipful Master, Bro Holt opened the lodge in due form and directed the lodge through the first few items on the summons. Following a report, the RW PGM demanded admission and the lodge stood to order to receive RWBro Frankl Provincial Grand Master, and WBro Curry PAGDC Assistant Provincial Grand Master accompanied by a Provincial Deputation.

It was the first time many of the light blues in attendance had chance to see a Provincial deputation parade into a lodge room. Once all brethren had been seated, the RW PGM was welcomed into the lodge with the corresponding honours and offered the gavel by the master. On this occasion the gavel was accepted and RW PGM was seated in the chair of King Solomon.

The next item on the summons was the presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Calum Dugdale. The excellent explanation of the certificate was made more special as it was given by his father, WBro Ian Dugdale.

Following the certificate presentation the RW PGM took to the floor to answer questions put to him by the younger brethren, masonically speaking. The questions included:

What has Freemasonry given to you?

How long have you been a Freemason and how long has it taken for you to be appointed as the Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire?

Having looked at the Provincial website and seen your extensive duties, how do you balance your working life and your family life with your with your Masonic commitments?

What are your views of the other companion Orders of Freemasonry and the joining of the same?

When does the RWPGM, in general, consider as an appropriate length of time for a Master Mason to join the Royal Arch?

Has the RWPGM got any dislikes, likes , and is there anything he would like to bring about a change too, in modern Freemasonry today?

If you could offer one piece of advice to a new Brother or someone looking to join Freemasonry what would that advice be?

The RW PGM gave vert informative and insightful responses to the question which also gave an insight to the direction which our Province is focused on over the coming years.

Following the Q&A session the Provincial Deputation retired from the lodge and business was resumed by the WM. Following the risings the lodge was closed in peace and harmony and all the brethren retired to the social board.

The social board was a fun and friendly affair. Following a lovely meal and wine taken with all brethren the RW PGM gave a response to the speeches. The raffle on the night raised well over £200 for good causes.