WBro Ian Hargreaves, IPM, WBro Michael Holland, WBro Mike Gibbons and WBro Steve Barton, Bury District Chairman

Saturday March 12th was a very special day at the Lodge of Merit, meeting at Bury Masonic Hall, when for the third time WBro Mike Gibbons, PJGD, PastAPGM, was installed in the Chair of King Soloman. The ceremony was conducted in a most excellent manner in the presence of WBro Michael Holland, PAGDC, the representative of the RW PGM, Sir David Trippier. Mike was presented for installation by WBro Fred Nicholson and installed by WBro Ian Hargreaves, who was very ably assisted by the officers of the lodge. The Director of Ceremonies of the lodge, WBro Steven Flanagan, had obviously worked extremely hard to bring together as close to perfect a ceremony as you wil ever see.
The installing wardens were word perfect, as was the presentation of the working tools by the secretary, WBro Alan Ikin. Following to the same high standard the Address to the Master was given by WBro Fred Nicholson and the Address to the Wardens by WBro Graham Stott. WBro Holland then gave a most sincere and expressive Address to the Brethren.
As the new Worshipful Master appointed his Officers there was a nice touch as the organist, WBro Barry Sugden, played a short burst of music appropriate to the office.

WBro Michael Holland takes wine with the new Worshipful Master

WBros Holland, Gibbons and Hargreaves

There followed a most enjoyable Social Board where the brethren and guests shared an extremely vibrant experience, with excellant food and superb company. After the usual toasts WBro Holland made the responses, explaining that, although he is an East Lancs Mason, he is also a Mason in Hay – on – Wye, Herefordshire. He was accompanied on this occasion by two fellow officers from his Lodge, one of whom explained that Hay – on – Wye straddles the border with Wales, so this was a truly international gathering!

The toast to the Worshipful Master was given by WBro Hargreaves and the Toast to the Installing and Immediate Past Master by WBro Gibbons. The toast to Masonic Charities was given by WBro Jim Hodge and that to the Officers of the Lodge by WBro Melvyn Taylor. The newly appointed Junior Warden, Bro Paul John Fleming, gave his first toast to the visitors in a very confident manner.

Accompanied by WBro Sugden on the piano, WBro Steven Flanagan gave a rendition of the Master’s Song and all present were offered a glass of Port to take with their cheese.

An excellent and most enjoable afternoon and evening in which the respect and affection for WBro Gibbons from the brethren of Bury District was so very obvious.