On 7th May 2015, Limestone Rock Chapter No 369, hosted a Joint Convocation Meeting of Royal Arch Chapters across the East Ribble District at Clitheroe Masonic Rooms. Over 60 Companions were in attendance including a 15 strong Provincial Deputation led by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Stephen M Blank, PGSwdB, supported by the 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals, EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, and EComp the Rev’d Donald K Pryce, PGStB.
As this was a Joint Convocation Meeting, the Chapter was opened in the Limestone Rock way with the 1st Principal EComp Christopher C Wood, PProvGStB, assisted by Principals from Chapters across the District. EComp Andrew Taylor, from the Chapter of Remembrance No 3787, acted as H, EComp Allan Low of Bank Terrace Chapter No 462, as J and EComp Stephen Crowther of Sincerity Chapter No 3120 as Scribe N.

EComp Stephen M Blank, PGSwdB, Deputy Grand Superintendent with The Principals of Limestone Rock Chapter No 369
After the Chapter business was concluded EComp David S Bristol, ProvGDC, expertly led the Delegation into the Chapter and ensured the Deputy Grand Superintendent and the 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals were laced in their respective chairs for the next item of business.

EComp Stephen M Blank, PGSwdB, Deputy Grand Superintendent with EComp Christopher C Wood, PProvGStB, the First Principal of Limestone Rock Chapter No 369
The Companions were then treated to a wonderful presentation from the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team, entitled ‘The Rise and Fall of the Twelve Tribes of Israel’. The presentation was delivered in a most entertaining, informative and word-perfect manner by the 12-man team led by the narrator EComp John Cavanagh, PProvGSN.

EComp Stephen M Blank, PGSwdB, Deputy Grand Superintendent accompanied by the Principals of the Chapter, along with all the members of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team
On completion of the presentation the Provincial Delegation retired from the Chapter and the business and Closing were conducted.

EComp Stephen M Blank, PGSwdB, Deputy Grand Superintendent
accompanied by the Members of the Chapter and the District Team
Immediately following the Convocation the Companions crossed the road to the Swan and Royal hotel where an excellent festive board was enjoyed by all. The Deputy Grand Superintendent addressed the Companions. He expressed his delight at this being his first official duty in the District since his appointment, even though Clitheroe is in the furthest reach of his jurisdiction! He also thanked the Presentation team who were also presented with a cheque by the EComp Wood, which was graciously received by EComp John Cavanagh. The main focus of EComp Blank’s address however was the importance of recruitment and retention into the Holy Royal Arch and the exciting changes within the Province planned to support this in the future.
A wonderful evening throughout and superbly hosted by Limestone Rock Chapter No 369 with the support of all it’s Companions.

Companions enjoying the Festive Board