Lodge 50th [Golden Jubilee] Celebration 

  1. The Lodge Secretary must make any necessary enquiry in order to be able to confirm that the Lodge has attained 50 years of continuous existence by the date of the proposed celebration.
  2. Written confirmation of the date and continuity must be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary with a copy to the Area Secretary.
  3. The Provincial Grand Secretary will correspond with the Grand Secretary and the Lodge Secretary to ensure that the appropriate approval is given.
  4. Once approval for the Ceremony has been given, the date of the celebration will be determined by the AProvGM, after consulting the Lodge. The event will be placed in the Provincial Diary.
  5. The ProvGSec will send to the AProvGM a list of the names and addresses of the relevant [acting] Provincial Officers. [This is, of course, dependent on the date of the function and the announcement of the Provincial Officers for a particular year].
  6. Written confirmation that the Ceremony has been held should be given by the AProvGM to the ProvGSec who will then ensure that the appropriate Provincial records are adjusted and that the event is included in the Minutes of Provincial Grand Lodge.