On Monday 11thMarch 2019 the Lodge of Merit, No 934 at Bury, held the Installation Ceremony of WBro Alan Ikin as Worshipful Master, and what a great night it was. The evening was made even more special by the fact that the Installing Master, Bro John Paul Fleming, was installing his father in law as Worshipful Master, who had in turn installed him into the chair the year before.
The principal guest was WBro David Lightbown, PAGDC and he was accompanied by other Grand Officers and distinguished guests.
The ceremony was conducted in a most excellent manner and all the officers who took part in the ceremony were commended by the Representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master and all the visitors.
The members and guests were treated to a fabulous six course meal at the Festive Board, which was very fitting for this joyous occasion.

All the toasts were proposed in an excellent manner, complete with honours and excellent responses.

The rendition of the Masters Song was performed by WBro Steven Flanagan with the assistance of the Senior Warden, WBro Melvyn Taylor and the Junior Warden, WBro Darren Waddington to great acclamation of everyone present.

The response to the visitor’s toast was given by WBro Rob Ashton in a very humorous, and sincere way.

Everyone who attended had a wonderful evening, and the members of Lodge of Merit No. 934 can all be extremely proud of an excellent occasion.

Report and Pictures from Craig Hindle