On a moonlit night in February 1774, the founders of Prudence Lodge opened the newly warranted lodge in The Punch Bowl Inn, Leigh, Greater Manchester.

In April this year, the brethren of Prudence 219 were joined by The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Robert Ian Frankl, a deputation of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers and specially invited guests to celebrate reaching the milestone of 250 years of Freemasonry in their purpose-built Masonic Hall in Todmorden.

For this special occasion, RW Bro. Frankl was pleased to accept the Gavel of the Lodge from the Worshipful Master Bro. Michael Myhill after the Provincial Senior and Junior Grand Wardens were escorted to their respective seats in the Lodge.

WBro Clive Hartley PProvSGD dressed in the period attire of a Tyler (kindly loaned by Tranquillity and Hospitality Lodge 274), saluted the RWPGM and Officers with his sword and delivered a short history of the Lodge, during which he paid tribute to the founders and over 450 fine fellows who have been members across a quarter of a millennium.

Paying reference to the many historical and social changes in the last 250 years, WBro Hartley’s interesting and entertaining oration informed the brethren of the 10 Monarchs and 68 Prime Ministers since the Lodge’s formation. Of the new nation of The United States of America founded 2 years after that first meeting and the countless wars, conflicts and societal change brought about by the 4 Industrial Revolutions all witnessed by members of the Lodge.

Clive also spoke about the migration of the Lodge from Leigh to Todmorden in 1847 and their long-standing partnership and friendship with Harmony Lodge 288, which saw them jointly design and fund the first purpose built Masonic Hall in East Lancashire in 1860, and which has been their home ever since and where they chose to celebrate this momentous occasion.

The Worshipful Master presented the RWPGM with a cheque on behalf of the Lodge for the sum of £1774 for the benefit of the East Lancashire 2026 Festival, alongside a personal gift for the RWPGM of a half-penny coin from 1774.

The final surprise of the evening was in the hands of RW Bro. Frankl who took the opportunity to promotion the long-standing Prudence Secretary WBro Brian Smith to PPrpvSGW in recognition of his hard work and dedication to both the Lodge and Province

The social board was a sight to behold, with every inch of the function room filled with brethren sharing laughter and friendship.