On Thursday 12th September the Lodge of St. John No. 191 celebrated 250 years of Freemasonry and it was certainly a night to remember.
The Lodge tyled at 6pm
Bro Stephen Allanson the current Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St John 191 opened the Lodge after which the Provincial Deputation entered the Lodge. The Worshipful Master offered the gavel to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier, which he graciously declined.

The Lodge then received the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Guy D.A. Elgood accompanied by a delegation of Grand Lodge officers.
The Lodge room was full to capacity, for this momentous occasion.
The Provincial Grand Master delivered a fitting tribute to the Lodge before WBro G. Rod Shirt delivered a most excellent short History of the Lodge.
The Provincial Certificate was read out by the Acting Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Andrew Holland, before being presented to the Worshipful Master.
A most excellent Oration was then delivered by the Provincial Grand Chaplain,before the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier surprised everyone present by performing a very fitting tribute to WBro Fred Blackburn and promoting him to PProvDepGDC for his dedication and work within the craft.

The Worshipful Master then presented the Provincial Grand Master with a cheque, on behalf of the members of the lodge, to the ELMC for £2500 to mark the occasion.
The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion and the dining room was full to capacity with a most fabulous atmosphere. Everyone present was treated to an excellent meal, accompanied by a fantastic menu card, designed by WBro Paul Sellers.

The Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden proposed a toast to the Provincial Grand Master and the Province of East Lancashire. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro John Griffin, responded that toast before proposing a toast to the Worshipful Master and future of the Lodge of St John No 191. The Worshipful Master replied after which he presented the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden with some gifts, which of course included some Bury black pudding.

Bro Arvid Overgard from St. John’s Lodge Stella Polaris was a special guest of the Lodge and he had travelled all the way from Tromso in Norway some 350 miles North of the Arctic Circle. He gave a very special Norwegian greeting and exchanged gifts with the Worshipful Master

A fantastic evening was had by all, certainly one which will go down in the history of the Lodge of St John 191 and one which they can be justly be proud of for many years to come.
GALLERY (Click on an image to enlarge it) [envira-gallery id=”14232″] Report and Pictures by Craig Hindle