Ashbury Lodge -1459

Who Are We?

The Lodge membership has fluctuated considerably over the years, due to the passing on of Brethren, but also because of the modern demands of time on members. In recent times, due to the lower membership levels, Past Masters have taken the Master’s Chair for a second, or third time in order that junior brethren need not advance too quickly through the various offices. However, the present members look forward to what promises to be a renewed growth period in our history as we again have several younger Brethren now joining the Lodge.
The Lodge has been honoured with members receiving Past Provincial Rank on many occasions, and since our Centenary, four Past Masters have been awarded Acting Provincial Rank, namely WBro.Ronald G.P.Williams, ProvGSwdB in 1973, WBro.John R.Seldon, Jnr., ProvGStwd in 1986, WBro.Harry Riley, ProvAsstGDC in 1997, WBro.Colin C.Cummings ProvGStwd in 2003, WBro Tony Stephenson ProvGStwd in 2012 and W Bro Simon Jackson ProvGStd in 2018.
The Lodge has always supported the ELMBI, now called the East Lancashire Masonic Charity, and the various Festivals over the years and is a Patron of the Grand Charity Festival 2004. We now wish to acknowledge with gratitude the continuing generous help the ELMC has afforded our members and their dependants. Charity remains a constant thread in all we do.

Why Join Us?

Like many inner city lodges, until recently, the average age of our membership has been increasing – now that is all changing. Over the last few years, we have attracted a number of younger members and of course, that is changing the dynamic of the lodge. However, the focus remains on harmony, friendship, strong ritual and charity.
We don’t have a typical demographic; Our members come from all walks of life and all professions. Unlike a closed lodge or a lodge of shared interests, this mix makes for interesting conversation


We meet 7 times a year on the first Wednesday of every month in February, March, April, May, October, November and December. The cost is £216.00 per year, plus dining fees and can be paid monthly or quarterly, whichever is most convenient. Dining usually costs between £20 and £25.
We also meet the Wednesday before a meeting for a practice or Lodge of Instruction. New members are not require to attend all of these immediately, but certainly as their responsibility in the lodge progresses.


For a small lodge, our festive boards are usually quite lively. Whilst we take our ritual and work in the lodge room very seriously, once our work is over, we enjoy fraternal friendship over good food and wine.



Manchester Hall
36 Bridge Street, Manchester, GB M3 3BT
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