Who Are We?
The Lodge was Consecrated in 1795 by Irish muslin workers with its first meeting place in The Royal Archer pub on Dale St Manchester. After moving between venues12 times, the Losge finally arrived at Albert House in 1947.
We are a Lunchtime lodge meeting 4 times a year.
Why Join Us?
Most people who join us do so because we are a lunchtime Lodge, most of our older Brethren don’t want to drive at night. We currently have 14 members.

We meet on the 4th Wednesday in October and March, and the 2nd Wednesday in May and December, the December meeting being our “Installation” meeting when the new Master and team of officers are chosen.
We usually hold a practice for the installation meeting the week before when it suits everyone.
Charitable donations are usually in the hands of the WM, but during a “Festival” when the Province is raising money for the Masonic Charitable Foundation, our donations are given to that.
Each January we hold a very successful Burns Night with many Brethren and family attending.

Albert House – Ashton Masonic Hall
Ashton Masonic Hall, Jowett’s Walk, Ashton-under-Lyne OL7 0BB
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